In Janské Lázně, patients with complete interruption of the spinal cord are able to regain their movement

February 19, 2024, Janské Lázně - There has never been a functional form of treatment in the world that could help patients with a complete severing of the spinal cord. In Janské Lázně, a unique treatment for paralysis using electroacupuncture has been helping patients for several years. The author of the AC-TIVE ENF treatment method, which was created by combining medical acupuncture and knowledge of physical medicine, is rehabilitation doctor Peter Olšák, who has treated more than 700 patients, including those with complete spinal cord severance.

This is a huge breakthrough in the treatment of these patients, with the first 3 patients gradually experiencing partial restoration of movement in the trunk and lower limbs. Peter Olšák developed the method in cooperation with Palacký University in Olomouc. Dozens of patients with severe mobility disorders pass through the Janské Lázně treatment centre every month, and some of them have documented very rapid progress in treatment. This is due to a number of treatments that aim to make it easier for patients to sit, stand, or do other activities that they could not manage before treatment. In addition, the treatment has virtually no side effects.

"We have been able to partially restore movement in the trunk and lower limbs in a 16-year-old boy, Viktor, who became paralysed as a result of an accident in the woods. According to the reports from the spinal unit and the clinical condition, it was a complete severance of the spinal cord. In practice, this manifests itself in the patient ceasing to feel his body from a certain height of the trunk and being unable to control his movement below this limit. This was the case with Victor and this condition lasted for 13 months after the injury. Once he received electroacupuncture treatment, he gradually began to actively use the muscles in his trunk and hip area. Today, he is able to partially move not only his trunk but also his lower limbs. However, he still has a complete impairment of movement perception," said Peter Olšák, MD.

The method, called electroacupuncture neuromuscular facilitation, combines traditional acupuncture, which is one of the official medical methods in the Czech Republic, with current knowledge of physical therapy. The doctor pricks the patient with acupuncture needles and then uses the device to deliver an electric current to the acupuncture needles. This is perceived by patients as a tingling sensation, and with greater intensity, visible muscle contractions also occur. The current helps pathways in the body that are damaged to function better.

At the same time, the development of special acupuncture needles, developed at Palacký University in Olomouc, will make the application more comfortable for the patient in the future. "The needles are innovative mainly due to three main parameters, which are an increased efficiency of the result by 30 - 40 percent compared to a conventional acupuncture needle, greater comfort for the patient during application and a lower risk of unwanted withdrawal during application," explained Peter Olšák, MD. The treatment is currently not covered by public health insurance. One 30-minute application costs CZK 500.

An adult woman aged 32 who suffered a severe spinal cord injury is currently undergoing treatment and came for treatment after 7 months. She also suffered a complete severance of her spinal cord with complete loss of movement and sensation. "After 5 applications of electroacupuncture, she was able to partially activate some movements in her trunk and hips, and there was even a change in perception in these parts of her body. I believe that these patients will still be able to further recover their movement so that their normal life can be improved despite their severe disability. In total, we have so far 3 patients with complete spinal cord severance under treatment, where restoration of movement has been demonstrated after electroacupuncture treatment. Our vision is to perform applications in additional patients with complete spinal cord severance to see what percentage of patients with complete spinal cord severance will find our treatment effective," said the author of the treatment method.

People who have a confirmed diagnosis of complete spinal cord severance can apply for treatment. Other criteria include time since injury or discharge from the spinal unit within 6 months of injury and a condition without recovery of movement or sensation of the trunk and limbs.

Progress is not the same for all patients, it always depends on the nature and severity of the disability. The spectrum of diagnoses for which the application of this method is considered in Janské Lázně is very wide. "It is always necessary to assess the overall condition of the patient and set realistic goals. The method is suitable for the majority of paralysed patients in whom movement recovers very slowly. They are after stroke, spinal cord injury and peripheral nerve injury. We also achieve good results in the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis who experience acute ataxia resulting in restricted movement. The more severe the disability, the more important it is for patients to receive the application quickly," specified Peter Olšák, MD.

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