Revolutionary electroacupuncture is changing the lives of patients with severed spinal cord

Painful conditions, nerve paralysis, allergies and a whole range of other diagnoses are positively affected by the innovative treatment method, which is applied in the Janská Lázně State Medical Spa by MUDr. Peter Olšak. The ground-breaking method of using electroacupuncture brings results that are of interest to experts all over the world. And not only them - adult and child patients pin their hopes on Janský Lázní after serious injuries or illnesses. "I have been developing the electroacupuncture method since 2016. The biggest milestone was the treatment of patients with complete spinal cord interruption," says the rehabilitation doctor.

How and for whom electroacupuncture helps

The cases of a sixteen-year-old boy with a severed spinal cord or a thirty-two-year-old woman paralyzed in the chest down entered the media world in late 2023. Both the boy and the young woman are making unexpected progress thanks to electroacupuncture led by Dr. Olšák. A twelve-year-old girl, as well as hundreds of other patients, have seen a significant improvement in their health.

"Classical acupuncture can work on many diseases - just look at the WHO website, where there are over a hundred diagnoses for which acupuncture is suitable based on clinical studies," points out the doctor, adding that the method he has developed can affect acupuncture points not only with the needle, but also with an electric current.

Hundreds of studies have described the clinical effects of electroacupuncture in scientific journals. However, their evaluation is not always straightforward, according to the physician. The methodology of the procedure must always be carefully considered. Unlike the evaluation of drugs, the evaluation of the effects of electroacupuncture requires good professional knowledge to avoid misinterpretation of the results.

What is the AC-TIVE ENF method

Stimulation by injection and electric current is not new, according to Dr. Olšák. However, the way in which the AC-TIVE ENF method works is groundbreaking. These currents and the localisation of the points change five to six times during the course of the therapy. At the same time, the patient is an active participant in the treatment, can influence the course of the treatment at will, and even perform some movements during the application."

He has been developing the method since 2016. He is constantly refining the procedure so that the patient can be helped effectively and in the shortest possible time. "In the past, I mainly treated adult paralyzed patients, but around 2019 I started applying electroacupuncture to children as well," says the rehabilitation doctor.

Over time, in the development of the method, he has encountered some technical limitations in the application. In cooperation with the Science and Technology Park of Palacký University in Olomouc, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and other colleagues, he developed a project in which he managed to develop and test an innovative acupuncture needle. Thanks to its properties, it can make treatment even more effective.

An individual approach plays an important role

Diagnosis is also important for the effective use of electroacupuncture. According to MUDr. Olšák, the individual approach sometimes disappears from medicine. "Trying to create the same treatment procedure for all diagnoses may not always bear fruit. Each person is original in his or her own way. In accordance with the definition of evidence-based medicine, treatment must respect not only scientific studies themselves, but also the opinion and experience of the doctor and, last but not least, the preferences and abilities of the patient. This is how this evaluation was defined in 1996 and, unfortunately, the integrity of this procedure is sometimes lost on us," he believes.

Before applying electroacupuncture using the AC-TIVE ENF method, he thus determines whether the patient suffers from a disease that could be a barrier to treatment. This includes whether he or she has a pacemaker, an insulin pump, other implanted electrical devices or is in a risky phase of pregnancy.

Minimum side effects, maximum effect

The treatment described has minimal risks if performed correctly. There is virtually no harm to the patient - apart from the bruising that occurs after the needle is inserted. Another advantage, for example in the treatment of nerve paralysis, is its speed and effectiveness. Last but not least, the very low financial cost (compared to some other procedures) should be mentioned.

"The application usually takes around 30 minutes. The number of sessions is different for each patient, depending on the diagnosis. For some painful conditions 2-3 sessions may be enough. For severe paralysis conditions, it can be as many as 50," says MUDr. Olšák.

The effects of the method depend on many factors. One of the most important is the time that has elapsed since the injury and the specific diagnosis. "However, we can usually tell whether it is effective for the patient in the first few applications," says the doctor.

Comfort First

What does a typical electroacupuncture application look like? "I try to explain to the patient what to expect and what they will feel. Together we have to fine-tune the threshold of current intensity to make the application as comfortable as possible. The principle is that it must not be uncomfortable or painful for the patient. I then try to instruct each patient on what movement they might try and, if necessary, guide them on how to do it," says the doctor, adding that the movements that healthy people normally perform almost unconsciously have to be "rediscovered" by paralysed patients. And this is no easy task, especially for people who have impaired perception of the paralysed body part.

If all goes well, a change can be observed after the first treatment. But this may not always be the case. Sometimes multiple applications are needed so that the doctor can properly assess their effectiveness. Of course, there are also cases in which the treatment is not beneficial at all. If there is no improvement even after three applications, it is usually not continued.

It is ideal to combine electroacupuncture with other methods. Working in a wider team brings personal and professional enrichment, and the results are also better when the treatment methods are combined.

Patients' progress is monitored by a myograph

"We have several ways to monitor the effects of treatment. The clinical examination is the basis, we mainly use video documentation. Currently, we are starting to test a myograph, which has been lent to us by scientists from the Czech Technical University. And we will be looking for other tools and ways to improve the monitoring of results even more," reveals MUDr. Olšák.

Despite the rehabilitation doctor's initial expectations, the age of the patient does not play a big role in the success of the treatment. She had a partial spinal cord injury and was paralysed in her lower limbs. At first the findings did not look good, but after six months she was able to walk without any aids. Even so, younger people usually respond better to treatment."

MUDr. Olšák mentions one more "interesting fact". Excessive alcohol consumption turned out to be a relatively big risk factor for poorer treatment effectiveness. "Its destructive effect on the nervous system has been described, but I thought it would not be so pronounced. However, this only applies to patients whose alcohol consumption is significantly higher than in the general population. We haven't measured this accurately yet, but I was a little surprised when observing the patients," he says.

New needles, new procedures and education

Olšák, MD, is certainly not resting on his laurels. If all goes well, he says, he plans to eventually use the new needles in clinical practice, which do not yet have the necessary certification. So far, they can only be used experimentally. "I'm still researching what combinations of points and currents to choose to keep improving the effectiveness. I will be happy to help patients improve their self-sufficiency to the highest possible level," he says.

As in previous years, he is presenting at several national or international conferences. For example, he reported on the results of treating patients with complete spinal cord disruption at the Neurorehabilitation Congress in April, and his autumn schedule is almost full - in September he will present his findings at the World Congress of Medical Acupuncture in South Korea.

The professional public will certainly not miss the XVIII. Janskolázeňské symposium focused on neurodegenerative diseases and related disorders. It will be held on 8-10 January 2025 and MUDr. Olšák will present further advances in electroacupuncture treatment with the AC-TIV ENF method.

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